Harrell Unveils Revised Food Action Plan to Combat Food Insecurity and Racial Inequities

On Thursday, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell introduced the first update to the city’s “Food Action Plan” since its launch in 2012. This five-year strategy aims to tackle critical issues such as food insecurity, rising food costs, and the environmental impact of food waste. The updated plan focuses on advancing racial equity, addressing climate change, and creating economic opportunities for local food producers, all while working to enhance food security throughout the city.

“Food is not just a basic necessity; it’s vital for health and quality of life,” said Mayor Harrell. “We’re committed to building a city where all communities, regardless of race, neighborhood, or income, have access to fresh, affordable, and culturally relevant food. This updated plan represents our dedication to food security, racial equity, and sustainability.”

The update comes at a pivotal moment, as the COVID-19 pandemic revealed significant inequities in the food system, particularly in Seattle’s communities of color. Building on the foundation of the original 2012 plan, the new Food Action Plan incorporates lessons from the pandemic, addresses the impacts of climate change, and outlines strategies to strengthen local food systems. The plan is centered around four key goals, each supported by actionable steps to be carried out by various City departments:

- **Increase Community Food Security:** Ensure that all Seattle residents have sufficient access to fresh, affordable, and culturally relevant food. This includes bolstering food banks, meal programs, and sourcing locally-produced, culturally-appropriate foods for schools.

- **Support Locally Grown and Traditional Foods:** Enhance access to traditional Native and tribal foods, encourage community-driven food production, and improve equitable land access for agricultural use.

- **Promote an Equitable Local Economy:** Strengthen local food businesses, create fair-paying jobs for food producers, and enforce labor protections for farmworkers, with an emphasis on communities historically affected by systemic racism.

- **Reduce Food Waste and Climate Impact:** Minimize food waste and cut climate pollution by expanding composting initiatives, boosting food recovery efforts, and partnering with local businesses.

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